June 22, 2006

Good Day to Arrive

The Canadian Arrival:

Despite the cold weather, and a bit of rain - our arrival to our Uncle's place could not have been timed better.

Actually, it probably could've. In addition to it being freakishly cold Summer and rainy. Our Uncle and Aunt had an additional two children (before me and my sister) under their care due to family circumstances on my aunts side. This meant they were short on beds, and just a bit extra stress and occupied. We also hadn't be too good on communication all round and our two cousins weren't exactly sure when we were coming, or for how long (and possibly who). And we were also flying into the wrong airport, and a bit confused by distance... Canada is a big country, eh.

But all that business aside - it was the Oak Bay Tea Party, and this year was Oak Bay's Centennial. Which meant about half a block down the road from our Uncle's not-quite beach front house was a little fair, complete with all the carnies and rickety rides you could want, along with community showboating on behalf of the mayor. It also meant that the eldest of our Victorian cousins was holding his annual themed lawn party for all comers.

This years theme was Hawaii - which I didn't follow because I only found about annual theme near the end of the night. Last year's was allegedly Western, complete with hay bales. Brian said he did have a sand guy lined up, but it didn't work out too well. Anyway the night did go quite well. We made fun of young kids by gluing coins to the sidewalk. They attacked cars with hula hoops. There were some female mexican exchange students who were plied to much alcohol until one was carted away unconscious in a taxi. There was an overly excited high school kid who introduced me to the miracle magic of Canadian Smirnoff - it's available with fruit flavouring. Just when you think your favourite spirit can't get girlier - its like a two litre clear Cruiser. Then we went clubbing and I was reaffirmed that back in Western society, free and liberated women quite readily become bar dancing skanks (Thank you Coyote Ugly).


At Mon June 26, 10:38:00 am AEST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zimmer!

Good to see you're having a good time! Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while, I stopped doing my blog and deleted the link to your site with it...D'oh.

Take care,



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