January 29, 2007

Aussie Aussie Oi

So Australia Day weekend has passed without much ado. I really feel my night might have been better off accepting my ban from the local nightclub - for a silly roof-climbing stunt two weeks ago, if you don't want people climbing up there don't install poles that let you do it I say. Somehow, one of mates was really upset and kept trying to fight after I didn't touch his girlfriend's boobs - which might as well be related to actions two weeks ago.

Anyway the day was good. Well spent in a kiddies blow up pool listening to the Hottest 100 countdown.

My votes didn't succeed much. Best was The Grates' Science is Golden at number 17. Honestly, I can't remember who I voted for, The Cops at 33, Lily Allen at 35, Pony Up! at 47, some Hilltop Hoods song (you'll have to check the full listing to get song titles, ooh, it could be a game, albeit a rather lame one). Maybe they didn't even make the list.

My friend (owner of the red thonged leg in the picture) thought you could only vote for one song. So he did, and yet Funky Tonight by John Butler Trio acheived the number 12 spot. It's Democracy in action.


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