January 31, 2007

All Aboard

I wonder if I can stowaway aboard the HMS Beagle Replica, planned for the original voyage's bicentennary in 2009 (via Pharyngula). If I play my cards right I could fulfil the roll of "aspiring scientist" couldn't I? I'll even wear an eyepatch.
The Beagle's proposed itinerary is to spend 2009 - 2011 circumnavigating the world in Darwin's wake, making similar landfalls, staging shore expeditions. The circumnavigation will offer opportunities for projects around:
• Sampling for new species and biologically active compounds at sea and ashore
• Oceanographic studies in the open ocean, coastal waters and at the Amazon delta.
• Meteorology and climate observations
• Comparing biodiversity and climate observations between the 1830s and today
• The history of science
People wishing to sail with us and use the Beagle for scientific research will need sea legs, be prepared to do some science mentoring and rope-hauling (emeriti not excepted). We also intend to have projects running on the boat that students in labs and class rooms can follow on our website.
For someone who has lived on an island (albeit a massive one) coast all his life, I don't have much actual rigging experience, and can't tie knots for nuts. Sigh. But I do have at least a timeframe to work on those skills.

I can canoe!


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