April 10, 2005

From Saucy Sports Star to Deadliest of Rodents: My Superpowers will amaze you...

This score classifies you as:
You will be reincarnated as a Badger, deadliest of the large rodents.

The above from HERE

Quiz Me
Michael Zimmer was
a Saucy Sports Star
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me
Stranger in a strange land, you are slowly making this place your home. You are J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. The last of your kind, you are a god among mortals. Yet all you
Stranger in a strange land, you are slowly making
this place your home. You are J'onn J'onzz, the
Martian Manhunter. The last of your kind, you
are a god among mortals. Yet all you want is to

Which DC Super Hero Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What brings this madness to you?

Apparently the late Pope John Paul II is being reincarnated as a evil-vanquishing superhero.

Just what the tragically declining world of superheroism needs. JPv2.0 had "travelled a lot" as his only real claim to fame... oh and fighting communsim (because communism is evil, satanistic and unamerican - like gay marriage), oh, and assisting the spread of HIV across Africa (and the rest of the world) by promoting misinformation campaigns against contraceptives. JPv2.1 really wasn't called for.

PS - Courting Destiny


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