December 05, 2005


Mochi - its mushed up pounded-the-shit-out-of sticky rice - then served with an assortment of Japanese flavours like Soy Flour, Natto, and Anko beans. Given my favour of rice and Japanese flavourings - you'd think I'd hate it. Its actually quite good.
(Though not as good as the heavenly flavour of roasted Dango - another rice derived Japanese snack.)
My favourite was the kinako soy flour - which 3 out of 3 gaijin agree tastes just like peanut butter. Then Anko beans. And Natto was somewhere near the bottom (but still edible) just out of virtue of being Natto.

So yesterday's mochi-making party was much enjoyed occasion. Despite arriving half enough late, even though I live about 300m from teh bar. It also started raining - but I've been topld yesterday's forecast called for snow (and today's too -- SHITSHITSHIT!) so the party was shifted inside the bar.

Mochi is made by two people alternatively swinging very large mallets into a small concave anvil. This is not the best activity to performed in a confined space with a mass of people - even less when drinking is involved. Luckily predictions of a hospital visit were put aside - though my attempts with mallet swinging I think came very close.

The day was also made great by enticing not one but 3 co-workers out - on their day off - and then karaoke. And despite me having the hoarsest sore throat - it was probably my best karaoke session so far. But also probably my drunkest too.

And then it came around to 6pm.

Oh yesterday was lots of fun.

Mania - 1 Depression - 0

Now I just want my voice back before tromorrow.


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